Academic year 2024-25
Term 4
21st March 2025
Staffing Updates
As previously informed, Miss Thea Dennett will be leaving us at the end of this term. We have now appointed Miss Lily Bartlett to teach the class for terms 5 and 6. We are looking forward to her joining us.
We will also be welcoming Claire Hardwidge to Banwell as our SENDCo for the summer terms. Claire will be working between 9.30 and 2.30 at Banwell each Tuesday. She will start this from Tuesday 25th March which will enable her to have a handover with Miss Dennett before she leaves. The SENDCo email address will continue to be the point of contact.
Finally, our wonderful HLTA (Higher Level Teaching Assistant) Mrs Jan Watson will be having surgery at the weekend so will be away from work for a number of weeks whilst she recovers. Mr Andrew Venn will kindly be covering the teachers' PPA (Planning Preparation and Assessment) time for the interim period.
Best wishes,
Claire Pocock
Banwell Primary School
01934 822498
Term 3
Term 2
Term 1