
What is bullying?

Bullying is defined as deliberately hurtful behaviour, repeated over a period of time, where it is difficult for those being bullied to defend themselves.

The three main types of bullying are:

  • physical (hitting, kicking, theft)
  • verbal (name calling, racist remarks)
  • indirect (spreading rumours, excluding someone from social groups).

Bullying can take place face to face, online through games, apps and on social media platforms, and via mobile phone messaging.  It can take many different forms including physical and emotional.  We aim to prevent and tackle all forms of bullying by teaching our children what is safe and unsafe behaviour, what is a healthy friendship and the difference between jokes and 'banter' so they can understand when this becomes bullying.

By effectively preventing and tackling bullying our school can help to create a safe and disciplined environment, where pupils are able to learn and fulfil their potential.

Why is bullying a safeguarding concern?

Whether bullying is taking place online or in person, children are negatively impacted and affected by it.  They can be physically and emotionally hurt by bullying behaviours and it is important that as a school and parents we take steps to make sure that children are supported and that we address bullying directly.

What can you do if you are worried your child is being bullied?

  • reassure them that they have done the right thing by telling you and can always talk to a trusted adult
  • let them know who can help them
  • report the bullying to school
  • report the bullying to the platform/social media app
  • talk to your child:  tell them about what a healthy friendship looks like
  • show your child what is safe behaviour both online and in the 'real world'
  • keep messages, emails and answerphone messages that have caused concern
  • block any numbers/contacts that are sending bullying messages
Further resources and external advice available:
Extend Learning