
The National Curriculum (2014) for Maths is broken down into 8 main areas of learning:

Number – number and place value

Number – fractions (including decimals and percentages from Year 4 onwards)

Number – addition and subtraction

Number – multiplication and division

Geometry – properties of shapes

Geometry – position and direction


Statistics (From Year 2 onwards)


Please click the links below to see a summary of the Key Objectives in Maths for each year group.

Planning and teaching

Planning in Maths is based on the White Rose progression, which in turn is based on the 2014 National Curriculum guidance.  In addition to the White Rose website, teachers use additional resources such as NRich to ensure challenge and support for all children.  The White Rose progression is particularly useful for supporting classes with mixed age ranges.

From September 2023, Maths is the one area of the Curriculum where Years 3-5 will regularly split into separate classes.  The Maths curriculum is the one area of the national curriculum where year by year expectations are clearly defined.  White Rose does contain planning for mixed year group classes, however, we feel that it would be more effective to teach the children in separate Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5 classes, three days a week.  Mrs Pocock will lead these lessons.  In these sessions we will focus on the ‘number’ area of the curriculum, which includes place value; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division; decimals and fractions.  Some areas of Maths require less prior learning than others, and we will focus on these areas (problem solving, shape, data, time, mass and volume) during the remaining two lessons of the week, which will be taught within the mixed year classes.

Approaches to Teaching Mathematics

We want all children to reach their full potential in mathematics, to feel successful and confident in their approach to this life skill and to be good mathematical thinkers. We aim for all children to enjoy their mathematics lessons and to be enthusiastic in their approach to lessons.

We help all children to achieve a solid foundation in numeracy which includes counting skills, recalling known facts and the four calculation methods. The processes of mathematics are taught through problem solving, as far as possible and they have every opportunity to apply their skills in relevant contexts. We want children to develop their logical thinking and show perseverance.

Children are supported and extended in their learning through the use of focussed small group sessions by learning support assistants, practical resources and differentiated learning opportunities. Children are encouraged to work collaboratively in pairs and groups and talk about their learning as well as working independently.

Extend Learning