
White Rose Scheme of Learning

The White Rose scheme of learning used at Banwell provides whole school progression and uses concrete objects, pictorial representations and abstract thinking to help develop children’s understanding of mathematics.  What makes White Rose effective is the small step approach which provides progression through a topic in a logical way whilst also providing opportunities to go in depth within a topic. White Rose focuses on developing mathematical thinking skills to ensure that children are able to think mathematically and problem solve with confidence.


Oracy in Mathematics

We want our children to engage fully in maths and so we recognise the important role oracy plays in achieving this.  Children need to think in, speak in, and express themselves in mathematical terms.

In lesson we teach vocabulary, model using vocabulary and provide opportunities for children to practice these using sentence stems. Children have to hear the new vocabulary in a sentence and then be able to say it themselves before being able to use it in a mathematical context.  This then enables children to reflect, explain and justify, using the vocabulary linked to the concepts we are teaching. 


Times Tables

 We use a comprehensive and carefully sequenced programme to practise times tables twice daily.  This is learnt through choral responses and focused interventions.


Extend Learning