Dear Parents/ Carers
Starting on Monday, 10th February, we will be running a SATs club to help guide, support and prepare the year six children for their tests starting on the 12th May.
The club will be every Monday, when we are in school, up until the SATs. The club will be run by members of staff and the focus will be on developing the children’s maths, reading and grammar understanding. It will begin at 3.20pm and finish at 4.20pm.
If you would like your child to attend the club, please sign below and return to school or contact the school.
In addition to the SATs club, we will be hosting a Speed SATs event after school on Wednesday 26th February this will be from 3:30pm until 4:45pm. I will introduce the structure, date of the tests and test content in this event and the children will then showcase their learning and understanding of the tests as they guide you through them.
Many thanks and I hope your child can attend the club and Speed SATs event,
Mr M Farmer (KS2 Lead)
I allow my child…………………………………………………………………………….. to attend the after school SATs club on Mondays.
I am able to attend the Speed SATs event on Wednesday 26th February.