Physical Education

All children have two hours of PE (physical education) teaching weekly.  Our PE curriculum consists of two hours using our GetSet4PE subscription. We follow the National Curriculum PE and GetSet4PE curriculum objectives and the ethos of the School Games. We currently hold a Gold School Games Mark which showcases our growing motivation and implementation of school PE.
We cover a range of sports, gymnastics and dance activities in a sequenced timetable from our MAT, ELAN. In addition, children are encouraged to take part in a range of physical activities including: swimming for specific year groups, the Active Mile and Gymrun in years 3 to 6. 
PE lessons
At Banwell, our staff provide PE lessons that are enjoyable, varied and promote the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. The children are actively learning; they know the set goals of the lesson; they have an opportunity to reach their personal goals; lessons promote fairness and respect of others and they develop pupil independence and decision making.
Sport outside of lessons
Children are encouraged to be active outside of P.E lessons too. At lunch, our staff encourage the children to be active through games and crazes of the week. We have play leaders, from year six, who teach children games and activities and how to play with fairness and respect. At Banwell, we also have after school activities such as dance and sports practices. Our children also get the opportunity to compete against other schools in a range of sports such as football, dance, gymnastics, swimming and cricket. We are supported by local sports clubs and organisations such as Banwell FC and Somerset County Cricket in providing facilities and coaching for our children. In addition to this, at the end of Key Stage Two, the children have the opportunity to take part in different outdoor adventure activities such as climbing, water sports and team building on our residential camp in Devon.
Extend Learning