Year 3/4 - Dolphins

Welcome to Dolphin Class
This page will give you an overview of all of key information and homework for Dolphin Class this year.
The class teacher is currently Miss Dennett. From Term 5, the class teacher will be Miss Bartlett.
On Tuesdays and Wednesdays, Mrs Dale teaches Dolphin class.
We have incredible support from Mrs Venn and Mr Fuller throughout the week.
Our PE days are Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Responsibilities in school
Within school, we encourage children to take on responsibilities and be active members of the school community. The children are able to take on roles including the School Council, Eco Warriors, Online Safety Champions and Kindness Champions.
In Dolphin Class, we expect children to be reading their levelled reading book every day at home. If you are able to read stories together, then that would be a great addition.
We also ask that children practice their times tables at least 3 times a week. For this they can choose to use TT Rockstars or the Multiplication Check game on Maths Frame. Both of these websites are linked below in the 'Maths and English Resources' section.
Term 5 Learning
We will be covering the following topics in each subject:
  • English - poetry
  • Maths - time, decimals and money
  • Science - rocks
  • Geography - earthquakes
  • History - Arabia and early Islam
  • Religious Education - the message of Jesus spreads
  • PE - athletics
  • Computing - desktop publishing
  • Design and Technology - cake and healthy eating
  • French - presenting myself
  • PSHE - relationships
  • Music - playing the recorder
Term 4 Learning
We will be covering the following topics in each subject:
  • English - diary writing, letter writing and explanations
  • Maths - mass and fractions
  • Science - animals
  • Geography - tourism
  • History - Christianity in three Empires
  • Religious Education - the death and resurrection of Jesus
  • PE - badminton and handball
Term 3 Learning
We will be covering the following topics in each subject:
  • English - narrative 
  • Maths - multiplication, division, length and perimeter
  • Science - states of matter
  • Geography - coastal processes and landforms
  • History - Roman Britain
  • Religious Education - the life and teaching of Jesus
  • PE - dance and gymnastics
Term 2 Learning
We will be covering the following topics in each subject:
  • English - instructions and biographies
  • Maths - multiplication and division
  • Science - rocks
  • Geography - Population (with a case studies on Cardiff and Wales)
  • History - the Roman Empire
  • Religious Education - the birth of Jesus
  • PE - netball and playground games
In wellbeing, we have been looking at ways to look after ourselves and develop hobbies. We have also been using the Zones of Regulation to help identify how we are feeling and develop tools to help us feel calm again and return to the 'green' zone.
Term 1 Learning
We will be covering the following topics in each subject:
  • English - poetry and narratives
  • Maths - place value
  • Science - animals (including humans)
  • Geography - the Rhine and the Mediterranean
  • History - the Roman Republic
  • Religious Education - Jesus and his family
  • PE - fitness and personal bests
The first three weeks - Under the Sea
We started the year with a whole-school project 'Under the Sea.'
Based on the story 'The dolphin who wants to be a mermaid' we explored rhyming poetry. We used an illustration by Miranda Sofroniou as the inspiration for our artwork. We also used 'Austin's Butterfly' as another source of inspiration to develop our sketching. By doing the same sketch multiple times, the children have been able to see their progress.
Maths and English Resources
We encourage you to listen to your child read and discuss the text at least three times a week. Sometimes it is hard to know what to ask them so below is some ideas of the type of questions that you could be asking your child whilst they are reading with you.
Times Tables
Being able to recall the times tables is a huge skill and will have benefits across all areas of the Maths curriculum. In Year 3, the expectation is that children can recall their 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, and 10 times table up to 12. In Year 4, children are expected to know all the multiplication facts up to 12 times 12. Please make sure that your child is practising their times tables regularly at home both verbally and written.
We will be practicing different spelling rules each week, sometimes revisiting rules previously learnt. However, at home it would be beneficial if you are able to practice any of the statutory spellings which children are expected to be able to spell by the end of Year 4.
Additional Resources
Click on the link below to take you to the National Online Safety website. Here you can download parent guides about popular apps and games.
At Banwell the children's wellbeing is always our priority and we are making mental well being a focus. Below is a link to the 'Wheel of Wellbeing' website that has some interesting information and activities to help with this. There is also a document which explains the Zones of Regulation and what self-regulation is.
Extend Learning